
Monday, February 29, 2016

Supergirl Review: Season 1 Episode 15 "Solitude"

Supergirl Season 1 Episode 15

Kara travels to the Fortress of Solitude hoping to find information on how to defeat Indigo, a being from her past who can travel through the Internet. In the meantime, James and Lucy reach a crossroads in their relationship.

With a new villain in town, Supergirl decides to go about trying to save the city by herself due to her issues with Hank and the DEO for the dreath of her Aunt Astra. After an encounter with Indigo, James takes Kara to her cousins Fortress of Solitude. 

By the time Kara and James get back into town, Indigo is after the military’s Nuclear Lunch codes, once the one of the Nuclear weapons have been launch, Kara’s only choice left is to contact the DEO for help. While Kara is of saving the city, Wynn is developing a Visor which will stop Indigo.

Final Thoughts:
Talk about a roller coaster of an episode, when it missed it really missed and when it hit, it really hit. You have the all the easter eggs and teasers, more connections to Superman. But it was also filled with weird relationship drama.

So what did I like with the 15th episode of Supergirl. Well it was awesome to see the Fortress of Solitude, it was definitely a Donner inspired Fortress. Its always nice when shows and movies pay the due respect to movies that have set the tone for Comicbooks movies so long ago. I also loved seeing the Legion Ring on display. Indigo looks to be a great villain which the writers can develop and make a long time nemesis.

What did I not like, well as soon as I had something good to say about good Ole Jimmy the writes decided to go back in time and give us the Drama filled Olsen. I don’t think I am in the minority on this, Olsen is the worse character on the show. His purpose is the have some sort of tie in to Superman, but instead they are giving us relationship drama. The moment that Lucy and Jimmy broke up was the moment i realized I didn’t care. That’s a bad feeling to have about a main character.

We also finally got the confession from Alex, which was a long time coming. What made this moment so good was that Supergirl was actually Supergirl in this moment. When she decided to hug Alex and essentially forgive her for killing Astra, Kara became more the hero we should have and moved just a little bit past the girl she has been portraying.

This episode was good, but I only give it Two Thumbs Up. Let us know your thoughts and leave a comment below.

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Comic Book Review: Action Comics #36 (2015)


Written by Greg Pak
Art by Aaron Kuder

John Henry and Lana Lang are in Smallville following the aftermath of Brainiac's attack.  Lana has been suffering from a recurring nightmare and it may just come true.  Superman senses things aren't right and is compelled to head to Smallville.

This book had the feel of a horror comic which was a cool departure from what you might expect from a Superman comic book.  Strange mist, zombies and all around trying to figure out what the heck is going on.  This was a very good story from Greg Pak and my first Action Comics book I've read from the New 52.

Aaron Kuder's art goes well with the story and I'm sure it was a lot of fun drawing the undead.  This is a good team for this story.  Well done by all involved.  It left on an interesting note and leaves me wanting the next issue.

What are your thoughts on Action Comics?  Do you like the direction of the Superman comic books?  Please respond in the comment section below.

Maskerpiece Theatre is sponsored by MoviePass. See unlimited movies at a theater near you for a low monthly rate.

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Comic Book Review: Dark Knight III: The Master Race - DC Comics (2016)

Book Three

Written by Frank Miller & Brian Azzarello
Art by Andy Kubert

The Kryptonians are making their presence known while Batman and Robin go out to get the help they need to save the planet.

Things continue to get interesting within this story and the plot continues to thicken.  I'm sure you can guess who Bats would turn to in such a time of impossible crisis but you probably don't quite know what awaits them.  The end of this book definitely has you anxious to see what happens in book four.  The dialogue, story pacing and the Twitter feed trolling throughout the book is so fantastically written.  Miller and Azzarello are truly on their game.

Andy Kubert does a great job capturing Miller's essence with the art in this book.  He has a knack for getting the exaggerated features and facial expressions that move this story along incredibly well.

There is also a mini book included within Book Three of Dark Knight III: The Master Race.

Green Lantern #1
Written by Frank Miller & Brian Azzarello
Art by John Romita Jr. & Frank Miller

Green Lantern reminisces about his life and has a run in with some floating women in Egypt.

This was an odd story and I'm sure it will fit at some point.  Green Lantern is painted as somebody that is, basically, worthless in the Dark Knight Universe.  Well, other than that ring of his.

The art is awful in this book.  I normally do not knock artists as so many books are stylized and fit the story being told.  This book did no favors for itself by looking the way it does.  I've long applauded John Romita Jr. as my favorite artist ever for Amazing Spider-Man so by no means am I saying he is a poor artist.

What are your thoughts on Dark Knight III: The Master Race?  Do you like this version of Batman?  What other comic books would you like Maskerpiece Theatre to read and review?  Please leave your responses below.

Maskerpiece Theatre is sponsored by MoviePass. See unlimited movies at a theater near you for a low monthly rate.

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Sunday, February 28, 2016

Act 144: Theatre at the Grid

The Maskerpiece Theatre crew is at The Grid: Games and Growlers, an incredible bar/arcade located in Mesa. The Deadpool movie is the main subject along with plenty of the usual topics.

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Maskerpiece Theatre is sponsored by MoviePass. See unlimited movies at a theater near you for a low monthly rate.

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The Witch - Box Office Review

If you follow movies you know that January and February are the dumping grounds for garbage films. Occasionally there comes a film that was placed in the season of wasteland cinema for curious reasons because it actually was enjoyable and well done. As I do, I went to the theater with hopes of seeing an entertaining film. The three options I haven't seen yet that I was curious to see were not well received by both critics and users on Rotten Tomatoes. However, "The Witch" was at least well received by critics and so I decided that would be the film for this weeks box office review. 

This film was described by most to be a horror film. I found that description to be inaccurate. It felt more like a suspenseful drama that eventually turns into absurdity. The pacing of this film was incredibly slow but I held out until the end hoping for some sort of payoff. After all, I spent an hour and a half in the theater so it only made sense that I would hope for something of substance. I received nothing. In retrospect, I can see what they were going for but it didn't work. It was boring.

The actors did well in their specific roles. There were even charming moments between the children that are universal between siblings. So, for that the film wasn't a complete waste of time. Unfortunately, there wasn't much more than that. I could see how the witches of the woods had chosen a new witch and how the story played out for that purpose. I could even see the purpose of the animals on the farm and how they eventually connected to the purpose of the ending. The issue was that the film felt like it was 3 hours long and the ending was a departure from the world the film created and quite bizarre.

"The Witch" is in theaters now. I can't recommend this film to even people who like the horror genre because there wasn't horror specific items to build on. It felt like the film was supposed to be one thing but somehow the communication broke down and what was left was all we got. If you wait for it to arrive on Redbox you might enjoy some of the characters and the tone of the film but beyond that I don't see much substance. It's slow, the end is weird, there isn't a payoff but you do get to see the characters descent into madness. They do act their parts well and watching characters go insane can be entertaining from time to time.

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Maskerpiece Theatre is sponsored by MoviePass. See unlimited movies at a theater near you for a low monthly rate.

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Movie Review: Pound of Flesh (2015)

Oh no!  Someone has stolen Jean-Claude Van Damme's kidney and now he is out to get it back!  Okay, so I know it's already a silly premise but that only gets this goofy ride started.  This movie felt like it was trying entirely too hard to have any semblance of heart to it.  I usually don't have anything that spoils the movie in reviews but I may let some things slip in this one.

Deacon(Van Damme) wakes up in a tub of ice and realizes his kidney was stolen.  He calls some friends who may be able to help him track down his missing organ.  Deacon's brother George(John Ralston) shows up to the hotel room as well but Deacon's friends coerce him into leaving.  Deacon's closest friend Kung(Aki Aleong) tries to convince Deacon to let it go.  The people that stole the kidney left money and medication and it may be better to let this go.  Deacon declined, not saying why he wanted it back so bad.  Kung allows his bodyguard to accompany Deacon(he gets killed entirely too fast).

How did Deacon end up in that hotel room?  Well he agreed to go have a drink with woman he saved from a mean boyfriend.  Are these people sure they want that kidney?

Fast forward now to why Deacon wants his kidney back.  It's to save his brother's daughter(Adele Baughan).  Really?  You're supposed to donate a kidney to a family member and you're out doing shots hoping to get some cooz?  And why not say that at the beginning?  Kung was way more helpful once he found that out.  What a dumb reveal.  Nobody is watching this film to be blown away by twists in the story telling.  They don't stop there with trying to shock the audience.

This was a dumb movie.  If you want crazy action and some Van Damme fight scenes while he wears his sunglasses at night, go for it.  He's a bit more creative with the obligatory splits he does in all of his movies so that was cool.

Maskerpiece Theatre is sponsored by MoviePass. See unlimited movies at a theater near you for a low monthly rate.

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Saturday, February 27, 2016

Movie Review: Guess Who's Coming to Dinner (1967)

Stanley Kramer directs this film about an interracial couple who are breaking the news of their marriage to their parents.  This film was released in 1967 and the way of the world within the United States was different than it is now.  This is a film that has seen it's share of remakes but nothing comes close to this classic.

Sydney Poitier plays the part of Dr. John Wade Prentice who wishes to marry Joanne Drayton(Katherine Houghton).  Their on screen chemistry is absolutely wonderful.  They played off of each other in a way that made you believe that, while in love, they knew to be a certain way around others.  Poitier's character was nervous about the racial situation while the younger Drayton was surprised that anyone would take issue.

Much of the dialogue took some getting used to.  The racial terms used in 1967 are not the same as we use today.  It was not as if anything was meant by the terms, other than to be descriptive of the particular race.

Katherine Hepburn plays the mother of the would-be bride and really keeps this movie going as she is the voice of reason in the world.  She sees how happy her daughter is with Dr. Prentice and realizes that is what is most important.  Spencer Tracy's character grew the most within this film.  Playing the part of Joanne Drayton's father, he wasn't too keen on the idea of the young couple but at the end when he delivers his speech to the entire family, you see how fantastic he is as an actor.

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner is a classic film worth viewing.  Being filmed during a time when sixteen states did not allow interracial characters, this film was a huge risk.  It was a pleasure to see and it's wonderful how far we've come as a society.

Columbia Pictures re-released Guess Who's Coming to Dinner in 2015 on blu-ray under the Twilight Time label.  Extras include introductions by Karen Kramer, Steven Spielberg, Tom Brokaw and Quincy Jones; multiple mini-docs that talk about what went into the making of Guess Who's Coming to Dinner and the sacrifices made to make this film happen.

Maskerpiece Theatre is sponsored by MoviePass. See unlimited movies at a theater near you for a low monthly rate.

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Thursday, February 25, 2016

Legends of Tomorrow Review: Season 1 Episode 6 "Star City 2046"

Legends of Tomorrow Season 1 Episode 6
“Star City 2046”

A malfunction sends the Waverider to 20146 Star City where theta faces a future in which they fail to stop Savage and return home.

With the team stranded in a 2046 Star City, they will need to work to repair the Waverider. In order to get it up and running, they need to find a prototype which was developed by Palmer Tech AKA Smoak Technology. With Rip and Sara out looking or the tech needed they come across the Green Arrow, but not the same one Sara used to know. Connor Hawk is now wearing the hood. 

Connor is able to assist, and take them to the old hide out of Team Arrow. This is where they find a one armed Oliver, who was believed to be dead the entire time. After Connor was taken by Deathstroke, Sara convinces Olive to suite back up to save Diggle’s Son.

Final Thoughts:
Greg Berlanti just knows how to give the fans exactly what they want. Obviously there were some twist but in some ways its understandable changes. Instead of Connor being Olivers son, he is the son of Diggle. In many ways this makes sense due to the fact that they don’t want to give away anything from Arrow. 

It was awesome to see Old Man Oliver, even if its a “Fake” future. I have to say, this episode didn’t disappoint at all. It delivered in every way. The geek side of me always gets excited when each of these shows tie in the music from each other show. It give it that added excitement to the scene, almost like its a nod to the fans to acknowledge the crossover.

Once again I must say with each passing week I find it harder to root for Rip Hunter. His character is becoming more and more a distraction from the show but is always saved by professor Stein and Snart.

I give this episode Two Thumbs Up, let us know what your thoughts of the episode were and leave a comment below.

Maskerpiece Theatre is sponsored by MoviePass. See unlimited movies at a theater near you for a low monthly rate.

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Supernatural Review: Beyond the Mat

Supernatural: Beyond the Mat

Director: Jerry Wanek

Writers: John Bring & Andrew Dabb

Starring: Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Misha Collins, Mark Sheppard, Aleks Paunovic, Mike Mizanin, Aidan Kahn, Jackie Debatin

Synopsis: Sam and Dean attend a wresling match to relive one of their fondest memories, but when a wrestler turns up dead, they suspect foul play.

Review: Oh what’s this? Wrestling and Winchesters, yes please! Even better, wrestling fans are greeted with a familiar face. Hello Mike Mizanin, also known as “The most must see superstar of the WWE, The Miz” who plays Shawn Harley (I see what they did there with that name and I like it). The show kicks off with the Miz... I mean Shawn Harley in a match with old timer... and possible intoxicated Hangman, needless to say Harley was not very happy with how that match went. The Hangman, though ends up getting killed with his own gimmick, a noose, while getting ready to leave after the show is over. The irony from a wrestling stand point is fantastic, you're own weapon doing you in. It turns out the Hangman was one of John Winchester’s, the boys father, favorite wrestlers. After a little convincing from Dean, the boys are on their way to pay respect at the funeral. After a little talking at the wake, Sam and Dean decide to go to the memorial show Top Notch Wrestling will be having for The Hangman. And the show is funny again, Sam and Dean cheering through out the match was great. It was nice to see Jensen get to enjoy having fun with Dean in this episode, his version of fan-boying was hilarious.

This is Supernatural though, so of course another dead body pops up and its back to the grind of things. Of course that didn’t stop Dean from getting in the ring and rolling around a little. That Ric Flair strut was pretty good, but if Jensen could never run the ropes again that would be great. I could watch him fall out of the ring a couple more times though. Dean is able to eliminate any of the wrestlers as the demon that is dropping bodies, now with Dean enjoying his hang over the boys try to come at this from a different angle.  As the story plays out, we come to find out Gunner Lawless, Deans favorite, is working with the demon Duke to steal souls to put off the Hellhounds coming to collect him for a deal he made for his soul years ago. You have to love a good demon! Or well at least I do. Nice job Aidan Kahn! Dukes next victim signed up is Shawn Harley, which leads the Winchesters straight to the demon. Thanks for that assist Miz, sadly the boys didn’t get to save you. Gunner Lawless accepts his fate and kills Duke himself before Duke can take out the boys. 

The sub story going on between Crawley and Lucifer/Castiel was more important from a season arc story point. Crawley was finaly able to get out from under Lucifer after a double cross… or I guess triple cross would be more accurate. Turns out Crawley had a Hand of God hidden in storage lock up, and he led Castiel there in hopes to be able to use it to get rid of Lucifer forever. Unfortunately it was a one hit wonder too, the power waisted when Simmons steps in front of Castiel to protect Lucifer. I have really enjoyed the interactions between Lucifer and Crawley, them together just warms my heart. Best line of the episode goes to Crawley, “I don’t think you can handle my rod.” So phallic and dirty you just have to giggle.

Final Thoughts: Even though we are getting close to the end of the season, the episodes still seem to be more one offish rather than season arc related. I’m guessing that means a lot will be packed into the final episodes of the season. I’m okay with that. Shout out to Jackie Debatin, I really liked Rio in this episode. Also Miz did really good in this episode, I look forward to seeing more with him the future. This episode will probably be more enjoyable for wrestling fans, but I think it would be fun for everyone.

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Maskerpiece Theatre is sponsored by MoviePass. See unlimited movies at a theater near you for a low monthly rate.

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Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Arrow Review: Season 4 Episode 15 "Taken"

Arrow Season 4 Episode 15

Oliver calls in his old friend for help in fighting Darhk, while Thea has a Heart to Heart talk with Malcolm.

The episode starts with Darhk informing Oliver that he has his son William, his demand for Williams return are to drop out of the Mayor race and to back his wife.

With Oliver dealing with a kidnapped son and Felicity now knowing his secrets he now needs some additional help. He calls on a friend with whom he had an Animated past with….Vixen.

With Vixen now in the fold, she informs the team that like her, Darhk must have a object which is providing him with his magical power. Team come up with a plan to save William and to take away the Damian powers. 

The episode come to an end with the team being able to destroy the token which provide the powers, William was saved and Felicity being able to walk again and giving the ring back to Oliver.

Final Thoughts.
I just love Crossovers, obviously this one is a little more obscured do to the fact its with the Animated Web Series Vixen. It non the less was just as great as most we have seen thus far. Megalyn Echilunwoke was wonderful as Mari McCabe/Vixen. Great addition to the DC television Universe. 

The episode it self provided a lot of great twists for the remainder of the season, with Darhk missing his powers its now interesting to see how he will rage havoc on Team Arrow. The episode also muddy what had seemed to be an obvious answer to who was in the grave a couple of months from now. With William and his mother safe and far away, these two obviously fall off the list. This leave the possibilities down to only Diggle, Thea or Captain Lance. With the show runners annoucing the possibility of Diggle getting a new helmet. My last two guesses would have to be Lance or Thea.

The return of Evil Malcolm might be the best thing this season has brought us, but the return of the up and down relationship between Felicity and Oliver will definitely cast a shadow over what has become an awesome season thus far.

I give this episode two thumbs up. Let us know what your thoughts of the episode were and leave your comments below.

Maskerpiece Theatre is sponsored by MoviePass. See unlimited movies at a theater near you for a low monthly rate.

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Tuesday, February 23, 2016

The Flash Review: Season 2 Episode 15 "King Shark"

The Flash Season 2 Episode 15
“King Shark”

When King Shark escapes from an A.R.G.U.S holding tank, Lyla and Diggle travel to Central City to warn The Flash. King Shark shows uo at the West house and attacks Joe, Iris, Wally and Barry.

The Review:
The aftermath of Earth-2 and the death of jay has the team trying to find themselves, Barry most of all. While the team is working through their own feelings, Lyla and Diggle show up to warn of King Sharks escape.

With King Shark in town, and not realizing that all the breaches have been shut is still after The Flash in order to kill him and get back to earth-2. the end result is another win for the good guys,

Final Thoughts:
The best part of The Flash is getting characters like King Shark, the creators of The Flash are so great of getting more out these characters even with the limited CGI budget.

Another great episode, the writers of the show have an amazing ability to take a more serious tone to an episode but still make the episode enjoyable. This episode is a perfect example of this. I am also loving the fact the these shows are keep giving us these mini crossovers, and the fact that we finally got the Big Brother Diggle that has been missing for the better part of Two season on Arrow makes this cross over that much better. And lets not forget the last scene of the episode, where Zoom was finally revealed to be Jay, or at least that is who we all assume he is. My guess is Jay is now officially the man in the mask. Interesting after a few quick glances, Jay looked a lot like Ebon Thawn. 

Tell us your thoughts of the episode and leave your comments below.

Maskerpiece Theatre is sponsored by MoviePass. See unlimited movies at a theater near you for a low monthly rate.

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The X-Files: The Struggle II

The X-Files: My Struggle II

Writer and Director: Chris Carter

Starrin: David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson, Mitch Pileggi, Joel McHale, Lauren Ambrose, Robbie Amell, William B Davis

Synopsis: Mulder and Scully uncover a shocking truth with global ramifications.

Review: I’m going to step away from The Good and The Bad this time, mainly because I just want to talk about the overall episode rather than the highs and lows… mainly cause there really wasn’t any minus the cliffhanger we were all left with. Over all, the entire episode just lacked and eventually felt a little redundant. With a worldwide epidemic happening it is left to Scully and Einstein must find a way to create a cure based on the alien DNA inside of Scully. I’m no scientist, but I feel like that takes longer than a couple of hours, also from a health stand point I’m pretty sure you one bag of blood isn’t going to be enough to create enough of a vaccine for the hole hospital/world. Hey its Hollywood though, I’ll go with it. I really do enjoy Miller and Einstein, so the two of them being back in this episode is more than welcome. Sadly, though I had started to hope for a spin off with the two, I’m starting to thing they are a little too cloneish to be a spin off and more of secondary backups to give more possibilities to the writers for dialog/story purposes.


Mulder is on his on journey through this though. While he dodges calls from Scully and Skinner (YAY! Mitch Pileggi!!! I’m sure you all have noticed I’m a fan), Mulder makes his way towards the Cigarette Smoking Man to get answers. Probably the best part of this episode was the fight scene that Mulder has with man that was trying to obtain him. That fight scene was choreographed very well, even though Mulder no-sold that gutwrench suplex. That suplex though, it looked damn good.  Mulder ends up at the Cigarette Smoking Mans home, but refuses the cure that the man can provide. Miller shows up to “save the day” and to try to bring him back to Scully in time to get the vaccine.

Now what we are left with after that mother of a cliffhanger, Mulder appears to be to sick for the vaccine and needs their son to help him get better. Unfortunately, neither Mulder nor Scully know where their son is. Also the episode ends with a Unidentified Flying Object (dare I say UFO), that was seen earlier in the season blowing up a car, is now hovering over Mulder, Scully and Miller. And that is where the episode ends. In all of this we have no idea what happens. Ugh the anger!!! Chris Carter do not leave us hanging like that, I don’t know what executives you need to talk to at Fox, but please! Do not just leave this like that!

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Supernatural Review: The Vessel

Supernatural: The Vessel

Director: John Badham

Writer: Robert Berens

Staring: Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Misha Collins, Mark Sheppard, Weronika Rosati

Synopsis: Dean convinces “Castiel”, who is still Lucifer, to send him back in time to the last reported sighting of the Hand of God which could be useful as a weapon against Amara. Lucifer sees the potential in getting his hands on this weapon so goes along with it and sends Dean to 1944 to the fated submarine mission that sunk the Hand of God. Meanwhile, continuing his charade with Sam while they wait for Dean’s return, Lucifer plans his next move.

Review: Kicking things off with a bang… or well I guess it was a stab, but still you get my drift. We are introduced to Delphine Seydoux, a dame working with the Men of Letters to retrieve an item that has been found by the Nazi’s during WWII. This weapon is described as the Hand of God, the boys believe it will be a good weapon to use against the Darkness. To get this weapon, Castiel takes Dean back in time to the submarine that is transporting Delphine and the weapon back to America.  Dean ends up stuck in awkward situations in a time he doesn’t belong in, good times.  While Dean is trying to smooth talk his way out of trouble and complete his part of the mission, Sam and Cas are working to find a way to get Castiel to help Dean.  With success Dean is able to get the weapon off the ship and back to current day, but to do so Delphine had to touch the weapon absorbing the power of God into her self.  I hoping it isn’t the last we see of Delphine and her God welding power as soon the boys will need something to take down the darkness.

While the Hand of God ended up being a bust, the episode was informative, the boys now know that Castiel is not the one in charge of his meat suit. Sam and Dean now have their hands fill with trying to save Castiel from Lucifer and stop the darkness.  Looks like the deck is stacked pretty high against the boys, but I’m sure they will figure something out. They always do.  We also got to see what has become of Crowley, while mostly funny, it does look like another humbling lesson for Crowley as he has now become Lucifer’s “pet dog”. Crowley always does what’s best for Crowley, I’m sure this will lead him to teaming up with the boys to put Lucifer back in his box… or possibly kill. We will have to wait and see.

Final Thoughts: Thank goodness the boys know about Lucifer, while it was funny at first it was painfully obvious that there was something wrong with Castiel. Them not noticing kind of makes them look like bad friends. Oddly enough though, that was really the only crucial part of the episode. With the hand of God now being a bust with no power, the episode sort of felt like it was all a waist. The American Sub still sank, though it took the German war ship down with it and the boys still have no weapon to use against the darkness. It was still enjoyable to watch overall, but it felt like the episode left you wondering “well now what”.

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