
Monday, May 29, 2017

Cosplay From Comicon.

We had a cosplay event downtown this past weekend. Everyone who showed up looked fantastic! Unfortunately, I was only able to be there part of Saturday but it was still a great time. I want to thank everyone who stopped and posed for Mini Mandy and I as we walked the exhibit floor taking in all the Con had to offer. Hopefully some of you are reading this because you got a flyer from Mini Mandy after I was able to take a photo reminding you about your picture and where to find it.

If you like Cosplay I think you'll appreciate this look at all the incredible folks who really put some work into their outfits. Enjoy these pics and share them with folks who also appreciate Cosplay/Cosplayers. These folks deserve the recognition!

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Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales - Review

This series of films have been getting steadily worse. Since 2003 we have been following the adventures of Captain Jack Sparrow despite how ridiculous and abysmal the stories became. Now, we have the fifth, and possibly last, film in the franchise. Does this reignite the excitement from the first film or do we send it down to Davey Jones locker with the other films in this franchise? Let’s dive in and take a look at “Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales” in this box office review…

The magic of this franchise is officially gone. There’s a level of charm that still exists but the magic is no more. As a fan of the characters I was let down. The movie begins with the most ridiculous bank robbery and only continues to thread pieces of a story together that never really work. It felt like there was so much more written for this film than what was put on screen. Or there was an idea for more that they couldn’t figure out how to convey so they didn’t. And as such, we are left with a story that was as pieced together as some of the dead shipmates hunting pirates.

This film didn't really venture into uncharted waters either. It followed similar plot points from the previous movies. For example, the East India Trading Company was trying to control the sea by owning the heart of Davey Jones in “Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead’s Man Chest.” We have this same story but with the English government. However, this whole subplot is pointless. Its characters and story should have been left out. When Captain Jack escapes the guillotine on the island, that’s where those characters should’ve been left. Also, the cameo by Paul McCartney was so oddly placed it didn’t even make sense. It was one more thing that could’ve been left out and we would’ve been all the better.

The entire movie isn’t even really about Captain Jack Sparrow. Up to this point, the franchise is about his misadventures and the folks who are, for one reason or another, forced to go along with him. The writers decided to tie up all the loose ends and give us a finale for the main characters. Elizabeth Swan and Will Turner finally get to be together. Their son, as an adult, finds true love and unites his family. Captain Barbosa finally gets to die with honor and prove he’s more than just a pirate, which has always been his struggle. Captain Jack finally gets the Black Pearl and to be Captain. The entire movie is a resolution for the previous 4 films. The stories are so paint by numbers it felt lazy. Barbosa had the one inspired story but that was not enough to save this film.

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales” is in theaters now! Skip this movie on the big screen. As the title suggests, there’s no tale to be told in this movie. If you’re a fan of the franchise, like me, you’ll most likely be disappointed by how little care was put into this movie. It’s not the worst of the franchise but it certainly isn’t as good as the first two films. There’s plenty of other good films in theaters right now that I’ve reviewed. Go back and read those reviews and then decide which one you’ll see instead of this.

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Alien: Covenant - Review

We have the sixth solo installment in a science fiction franchise that blends both horror and space travel. While the last film in this series (released 2012) was met with split opinions, this movie dares to challenge the naysayers and hopefully flip their opinions into positive fandom. So, was the goal met? Will this be the success story that sways the opinions into positive critiques? Let’s dive in and take a look at “Alien: Covenant” in this box office review…

Ridley Scott returns as director for this film. While many did not like “Prometheus” I found it enjoyable. I was happy to see his return as this marks his 3rd directors title for the franchise he launched back in 1979. To his credit, I’ve enjoyed all 3 of his “Alien” films. He balances character backstory and personality with tension and drama well in this franchise. We get enough information about who the characters are so when they start being hunted and killed by the aliens it is impacting, emotionally speaking. Is every character important? Of course not. However, I didn’t really feel like any character was an ancillary character. It felt like each character served a purpose, even if that purpose was short lived. Their purpose might be as simple as inhaling alien dust to move the plot forward. It worked and therein lies their value.

After watching this movie I’m convinced that Michael Fassbender could play any sociopath or serial killer in any film, ever, going forward. There’s an entire scene where he plays two robots and they’re discussing purpose and what their directives are as A.I. for the humans. The two robots names are “David” and “Walter.” David, if you saw Prometheus, is the original A.I. created to be more human-like than robotic. Walter, the most recent model, was created to be the ideal support for human space exploration, etc. While I didn’t feel like I got much from Walter, I got everything from David. He is calculating and methodical. His demeanor is so calm it is chilling in this movie. I can’t celebrate this performance enough or the talent that Fassbender gives us in this role.

The overall film is tonally dark. It took my eyes a few minutes to adjust to the film because the world this takes place in does not have much sun light and frequently has rain storms. The xenomorphs are also jet black in this movie which was awesome when paired against the dark world this story inhabits. It looked like shadows running around killing and being killed more than aliens. It was this mysterious shadow killer look that really won me over. This wasn’t a film that was dark for the sake of being dark. It all plays together to create a dangerous and mysterious planet that is set on destroying/consuming all life.

Alien: Covenant” is in theaters now! I definitely recommend people see this on the big screen if they’re into science fiction meets horror. If you’re a fan of this franchise I also recommend you see this. It’s not a perfect film but it’s definitely entertaining. Plus if you’re a fan of the franchise you’ll appreciate the nods to previous movies. I loved when the camera gave us the aliens point of view. The first time that happened was in David Finchers “Alien 3” circa 1992. There’s little moments like that in this film that we as fans get to enjoy. If you don’t like science fiction meets horror stay away from this film. If you do, finish reading this and then get over to the theater. It’s worth your money!

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Saturday, May 27, 2017

Act 212: Put a Button On It

Tapestry Comics writer and creator Tyler Button joins the crew to talk about his Kickstarter, do some Masked Libs and go off on a romp.

Find Tapestry on twitter @tapestrycomics.

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Monday, May 22, 2017

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 - Review

“Guardians of the Galaxy” was the surprise hit of 2014. Writer/Director James Gunn combined the fun of an adventure film and science fiction films with interpersonal family drama to deliver a film that was both comedic, exciting and visually stunning. So, with Gunn stepping back into the writer/director chair for the sequel was he able to deliver on the same magic the first film gave us? Let’s dive in and take a look at “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2” in this review…

First, I can’t speak enough praise for the visuals in this movie. The style is vibrant, neon, rich, dark, and it all works together to create worlds that stand uniquely apart from the rest of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It felt almost like James Gunn decided to take everything that was awesome about video game arcades in the 1980’s and put it into his movie. Even the characters titled “The Sovereign” flew their war ships like a video game and it made sense to the plot. The "Sovereign" are perfect creations. So, of course, they wouldn’t risk their own perfect lives in space combat. They would fly their ships remotely. It was a nice little touch to story telling that emphasizes Gunn’s creativity.

The overall story didn’t make much sense to me, unfortunately. I was anticipating a Guardians of the Galaxy movie and instead of I was given something else. I have the same issue with this film that I have with “Iron Man 3.” It’s not a Guardians movie in the same way IM3 wasn’t an Iron Man movie. The title should’ve been “Guardians of the Galaxy: A Yondu Udonta Story” just like IM3 should’ve been titled “Iron Man 3: A Tony Stark Story.” The character with the biggest story arc was Yondu. Second, one could argue would be Nebula. The Guardians almost felt like ancillary characters running a sub plot to everything happening with Yondu. Also, let’s not forget “Ego the Living Planet” who is a "Celestial" and also "Caligula." By the end of the film we still don’t know why Celestials are important but we do know that Ego likes to procreate with as many species as possible without restraint. All we know is that both Guardians film have had a Celestial in some capacity make an appearance. So, towards the end of the film when Ego tells Peter that his (Peter’s) action will remove his god status and make him like everyone else we don’t know why that’s a big deal. And curiously, Gunn seems to understand this as he wrote dialogue for Peter that asks the question on my mind, “What’s wrong with that?” What is wrong with losing god status in this cinematic universe? Why is being a Celestial important? These questions are never answered. Also, the scene where Peter and Ego play catch with an energy ball was enough to cause an eye roll to happen. Whoever approved that scene needs to be sat in a corner for 15 minutes for time out. Terrible.

I think my favorite character in this film would be Rocket. While everyone had their moments, Drax and Mantis discussing what it means to be beautiful and love/trust, Peter and Ego discussing what it means to view life forever instead of as a temporary moment, Rocket, Yondu and Groot trying to escape a prison cell together, there’s a lot of great dialogue. There’s some insightful perspectives as well to help create a film that is more than just a comedic romp through space. Gunn really explores deeper philosophical meanings in relationships and life. It's this balance of searching for meaning and comedy that makes this a stand out film in the Marvel Cinematic universe. With regard to the humor, the jokes land for the most part. And some of the visual humor is fun. There’s plenty in this movie to enjoy and it doesn’t ever feel you’re being beaten over the head with one particular joke, or situation. There are a few jokes that don’t land at all. Two that come to mind are Nebula eating the unripe fruit and the second is the Sovereign’s carpet getting jammed while walking to speak with Yondu. These two jokes could’ve been left out and I feel the movie would’ve flowed much smoother and it wouldn't have ruined the intensity the scenes were building towards.

Overall, I did enjoy the movie. Unfortunately, I feel that this movie was made just to set up the third volume which Gunn is writing and will be directing. Unfortunately, I don’t feel this film stands on its own at all. If you haven’t seen the first film you won’t know what’s going on with all the characters. By the end of the film you still won’t know what’s going on with all the characters because everything was being set up for Vol 3 and “Avengers Infinity War,” presumably. If you consider the new Ravagers were introduced to tie up the Yondu story and take over more responsibility in the third installment you can probably see my point more clearly. 

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2” is in theaters now! Despite all my criticisms, I definitely recommend people see this movie on the big screen. It’s a visually delightful movie with some well placed humor and some equally heartfelt moments. There’s a lot to digest in this film and it’s a fun time at the movies. I recommend you watch the first film or revisit it before seeing this one on the big screen just so certain things and cameo’s will make more sense. I review movies and I do so honestly which means the issues I have with story, characters, etc, you might not. All art is subjective and because of that I want people to see this in theaters and enjoy how good this film looks. It’s a special effects adventure in space and totally worth your hard earned dollars. Go check it out!

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Comic Book Review: Superman #22 - DC Comics (2017)

"Black Dawn"
Chapter 3

Written by Peter J. Tomasi and Patrick Gleason
Pencils by Doug Mahnke
Inks by Jaime Mendoza and Ray McCarthy
Colors by Wil Quintana

Lois Lane is searching for her husband Clark Kent and their son Jon.  The boys were out with Damian Wayne(Robin) looking for Batman.  Lois finds out there is much more to her missing family and friends as "Black Dawn" continues.

I have thoroughly enjoyed the Rebirth run on Superman thus far.  The "Black Dawn" story line had the seeds planted many issues ago and I feel that this is something that really sets DC Comics apart from many other comic book companies.  There is a plan in place and the stories have been wonderful because of it.  This isn't to say that you need to read all 21 issues leading up to this(plus an Annual and some cross-overs with Action Comics).  If you did read them, it's an added bonus.

The "Black Dawn" stories read a lot like a horror story.  We are also given these stories from multiple perspectives.  The majority of this comic book is from Lois' perspective as she uses her journalistic prowess to find Clark, Jon, Damian and Bruce.  Because this is Lois, we get to see her find much more than she had originally bargained for.  We also are treated to how tough she can be as she takes on assailants and gets to drive the Batmobile.  Superman is the person whose perspective is given to the readers.  There is a revelation at the end of this book that left me clamoring for more.

Doug Mahnke is one of my favorite artists and I am always happy to see his name on the cover.  Peter J. Tomasi and Patrick Gleason have been putting together incredible stories and they are that much better when Mahnke is in charge of the art.  The inks were nice in this comic as the use of black in some of the more eerie panels was beautiful.  The visuals are spectacular and Wil Quintana's colors add to the spooky feeling.

What are your thoughts on Superman?  Do you like the family dynamic that is used in this series?  What other comic books would you like Maskerpiece Theatre to review?

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Sunday, May 21, 2017

Comic Book Review: Superman: Annual #1 - DC Comics (2017)

"Tangled Up In Green"

Written by Peter J. Tomasi and Patrick Gleason
Art by Jorge Jimenez
Colors by Alejandro Sanchez

Hamilton County(300 miles north of Metropolis) is where the Kent's have decided to lay down roots when they were pulled from their universe and placed into the current DC universe.  Clark Kent/Superman is trying to figure out why the land in Hamilton County is so dry.  Maybe Swamp Thing can help explain.

I know the old saying; "Don't judge a book by it's cover."  This comic book has Superman and Swamp Thing on the cover so I threw caution to the wind and decided this is a "must have."  This book was even better than I had hoped.  Peter J. Tomasi and Patrick Gleason are writing some of the best stories in comic books with their current run on Superman. This "Annual" fits with the story but can be read on its own as well.  The way Superman and Swamp Thing communicated with each other was great.  Swamp Thing helping Superman figure out why the land was drying up was awesome.  Superman didn't want to do things Swamp Thing's way but he can be quite convincing.  

Jorge Jimenez and Alejandro Sanchez were amazing choices to do the art in this comic book.  This was a very visual story so the art needed to be on point.  The two main characters are very different.  The vibrant Superman and the murky looking Swamp Thing.  Seeing the two of these characters with and against each other was a wonderful sight.  The visuals toward the end of the comic book when Swamp Thing helps Superman see the reason behind the drying of the land were absolutely stunning.  The art alone makes this comic book worth purchasing.  Luckily it has a good story as well.

I am all for another Superman and Swamp Thing team-up in the future.  This was the first meeting of this version of Superman with the current incarnation of Alec Holland/Swamp Thing and I hope for many more.

What are your thoughts on Superman: Annual #1?  Are you reading the Superman series or any other DC series?  What would you like Maskerpiece Theatre to review in the future?  

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Friday, May 19, 2017

Act 211: Brown Eye Cream Pie

Masked Blogster, Mini Mandy, Kevin Moyers and Frankie G. get heavy into sports, some of the great commentators of all time, Frankie's upcoming trip to Chicago, and some extra special ElfQuest trivia.

To listen, click here. To download, right click and "Save As..."

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Maskerpiece Theatre is sponsored by MoviePass. See unlimited movies at a theater near you for a low monthly rate.

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Thursday, May 18, 2017

Comic Book Review: Justice League of America #1 - DC Comics (2017)

"The Extremists" Part One
Written by Steve Orlando
Pencils by Ivan Reis
Inks by Joe Prado, Oclair Albert & Julio Ferreira
Colors by Marcelo Maiolo

Batman's new Justice League of America are spread out across the world handling different situations while a group from another world has shown up and they are ready to make this Earth a better place; by ruling it.

This book feels very rushed and in a typical rag-tag group that need to find a way to get along otherwise the Earth is doomed kind of way.  Everything is held together using Batman as the one who brings them together(as if he didn't have enough going on in all the books he's in).  It all feels very forced so I am looking forward to this story to get going and being done so we can concentrate on the overall book and not trying to figure out where everyone fits.  Maybe I am just being overly picky.

Ivan Reis' art is always a pleasure to view.  The action scenes look great as do the closeups.  I also like how Reis is able to have a group scene encompass a page but still have panels within.

Overall, the book is fine.  It would be a nice start for someone looking for a new hero book with some characters you may not be as familiar with.

What are your thoughts on the Justice League of America?  What other comic books would you like Maskerpiece Theatre to review?

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Maskerpiece Theatre is sponsored by MoviePass. See unlimited movies at a theater near you for a low monthly rate.

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Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Comic Book Review: A Flower in the Field of Lions - Tapestry Comics (2017)

Written by Tyler Button
Art by Ryan Cody

A historical account of France as they fight against British rule.  I have long felt that comic books should go in this direction and even considered doing something similar.  I am happy to see Tyler Button and Ryan Cody take the reigns and give historical accounts of actual events.  This particular offering will go into the story of Joan of Arc and these books will be told per her testimony in fornt of a hostile court.

This particular book is a preview comic that was given to my daughter at the Free Comic Book Day event at Samurai Comics in Mesa, AZ.  Tyler Button and Ryan Cody were on hand and I'm not sure why I didn't request autographs
on the book.  I guess I was concentrating on Button's enthusiasm for the story and both contributors' affinity for the artwork that inspired their period piece.

I enjoyed Ryan Cody's art throughout this book.  The art matched up with the story being told and looked good.  It's a bit violent but not unsettling to view.  I hope that the Kickstarter these guys are starting on May 30th, 2017 is successful.

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Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Comic Book Review: Nightwing #20 - DC Comics (2017)

"Nightwing Must Die! - Finale"
Written by Tim Seeley
Art by Javier Fernandez
Colors by Chris Sotomayor

Nightwing is on a mission to find his girlfriend Shawn Tsang.  Professor Pyg has his army of demented doppelgangers, including Deathwing(who is figuring out what side he is on).

There is so much more going on in this book than that little blurb I included.  This is the finale in what has been an emotional roller coaster of a story.  Nightwing has been hot on the trail of finding his girlfriend(who also may be pregnant).  Robin(Damian Wayne) is tagging along as he is upset that many feel that Nightwing is the heir apparent to the Batman helm.  Plus you get to throw in layers of bad guys and top layer bad guys taking out the bottom layer of bad guys.  Tim Seeley did a masterful job with this story line.  I'm so glad Superman recommended Bludhaven as a destination for Nightwing(issue #9).

The Nightwing series is wonderful since we have a steady writer in Tim Seeley.  The one thing I wish it had is a steady artist.  Everyone who has worked on this series has been very good, but I feel like it would be that much better with the same artist.  Javier Fernandez did very nice work in this particular comic book.  He gave it a very gritty look which is something I that definitely works when it comes to the street level heroes.  Chris Sotomayer's colors were excellent as well.  The scenery was dark but Nightwing's blue and Deathwing's red really popped nicely.

Nightwing is one of my absolute favorite comic books going.  I look forward to each issue.  Tim Seeley is writing Nightwing/Dick Grayson the way a hero should be written.  Nightwing is a hero full of hope, even when that hope can backfire.  He looks for the good and fights to keep that good alive.  The looking for the good in people works out to Dick Grayson's advantage as Shawn Tsang, his girlfriend, was a villain who was known as The Defacer(it's not as bad as it sounds, she just spray painted artwork).

What are your thoughts on Nightwing?  What other comic books would you like Maskerpiece Theatre to review?

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Monday, May 15, 2017

Comic Book Review: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (IDW, Free Comic Book Day 2017)

Story: Kevin Eastman, Bobby Curnow & Tom Waltz
Script: Tom Waltz
Art (Including Cover): Cory Smith
Colors: Ronda Pattison
Letters: Shawn Lee

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have been kicking around since I was a kid. To see them as a still-relevant group warms my heart. My daughter is over three decades younger than me and loves the old movies as much as I did back in 1990. One of the best things about FCBD editions of titles is that they introduce new readers and new generations to classic characters. I have to say, this issue does a fine job of that.

As we start, our half-shelled heroes, sans Donatello, are involved in a training mission down in the sewers. As each turtle gets zapped by a laser, they make fun of each other with the senses of humor we're used to. When they get back to their lair, they're greeted by Don and a small golden robot named Professor Honeycutt. The group reminisces about the last time they met up, and they go through moments they've had facing a variety of villains, which nicely introduces new readers to their storied history. The last they discuss is an attack by General Krang, which ended with his arrest. Honeycutt is one of five key witnesses in the trial that could put him away for a long time.

In true Maskerpiece fashion, a set of tentacles drops from the ceiling and shuts down the power. They drop again to snatch Honeycutt, and the battle begins. The culprit in a bounty hunter named Hakk-R, and before his escape, he downloads the names of the other witnesses from Honeycutt's database. This sends the turtles on a quest to Dimension X.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Tentacles!

While this is just a teaser leading to TMNT #73 and TMNT: Dimension X, it's short, sweet, and fun. It does make you want to dig into more of the story on Krang's capture and the crimes that led to it as well as the upcoming hunt for Hakk-R.

The artwork by Cory Smith has a modern/classic hybrid feel to it, and his cover is beautiful. The colors by Ronda Pattison keep the sewer dark and the characters light, making an eye catching contrast. I enjoyed this fun little battle, and I think it'll be a great way to get younger kids into the pizza loving mutants.

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Maskerpiece Theatre is sponsored by MoviePass. See unlimited movies at a theater near you for a low monthly rate.

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Sunday, May 14, 2017

Comic Book Review: Justice League of America: Rebirth #1 - DC Comics

JLA Rebirth
Written by Steve Orlando
Pencils by Ivan Reis
Inks by Joe Prado & Oclair Albert
Colors by Marcelo Maiolo

Batman is putting together a new team.  A team of heroes that are less God-like and more human.  A group the people of the world can identify with.  The question is, can this group find a way to get along with each other?  Beware: the rest is spoilers.

This book starts out with Batman recruiting Killer Frost.  The two look over the base of operations that Batman has chosen, a secret cave in Happy Harbor, Rhode Island.  From here, Batman and Killer Frost head to Seattle to recruit Black Canary who was a bit surprised the once villainous Killer Frost had come to her city.  The next to be recruited is the alien biker Lobo.  Lobo agrees and the group look to have Ray Palmer, The Atom, join in the fun.  Ray Palmer is missing but his student aid, Ryan Choi, is there and he has been using Palmer technology to search for The Atom.  Batman was against it but Lobo liked the kid.  Now it's the Ryan's turn to recruit so now The Ray is in the group.  Batman rounded out the group by convincing Vixen to join.

This book reminded me of the beginning of Justice League International during the New 52 run.  Batman puts together a group to look good for the masses.  He chooses a leader most of the group wouldn't expect(Killer Frost for JLA and Booster Gold for JLI).  Justice League International was a fun series and I foresee the same with this comic book team.  Having Lobo and Black Canary on a team with Killer Frost should make for plenty of interesting panels.

Ivan Reis is one of my favorite comic book artists today.  It is awesome seeing his work on so many heroes.  The attention he gives to the facial expressions and the poses each character is in is phenomenal.  The colors by Marcelo Maiolo looked amazing as well.  So many of the panels within the book were cover-worthy.

What are your thoughts on the Justice League of America?  What comic book series' are you reading?  Let us know by reaching out to us through social media.

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